Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day

I live in Alabama, snow days are not usually common, but this is our third one of the year. So far it is still accumulating. Georgia, still recovering from surgery has not had much interest in the snow this time. I am amazed though at how people panic when it snows, I feel sure that in the states further north, there would have been school today. So for that I am thankful I live in the south.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A year

Its been a year since Mima left. It doesn't seem that long most of the time but sometimes it does. When I think how many holidays have passed this year, it seems as though it has been forever. She would always send me a card for most every holiday. She lived such a long life, but it is hard to not have her there. Her humor and smile.

I miss her.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Georgia, Bedford, and jackson

Our friends have two labs, Bedford and Jackson. Georgia (now almost 9 mo old ) likes to play with them and they usually like to play with her. Bedford (7) enjoys playing and getting rid of some of his energy. Jackson (5) just does not like my puppy usually. He tends to bark at her and go in the opposite direction. Bedford eventually gets tired and puts his paw on her back to hold her down, like you would see a tall person hold back a short person by pushing on their forehead.